Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Drug Prison law Intervention 5

Question: Describe about adult males. Putting together all the elements of a drug abuse program will include but not be limited to: Screening, Testing, Diagnosis, Assessment, Referral, Group Therapy, Individual Therapy, 12-step groups You supervisor needs you to identify, describe, and justify the elements you will want to utilize in the program as well as a list of why it is necessary or important to the recovery of the inmates in your program. Use the following list as a guide. Assignment Guidelines Address the following in 45 pages: For each of the items in the list below, address the following three questions: Briefly describe and summarize this activity/process. How would you utilize it in the prison setting? Explain. Why is this activity/process important to drug addiction treatment and recovery? Answer: Prisoners are deprived of freedom against their wish. Sometimes they are addicted to abusive drugs. Here a new drug program is created for prison inmates. Drug rehabilitation is the psychotherapeutic treatment used on the persons who are dependent on the psychoactive substances like alcohol, cocaine, prescription drugs, amphetamines or heroin. The general purpose is to authorize the patient to terminate substance abuse to stop the physical, financial, psychological, legal and social effects that can be reasoned, mostly by maximal abuse. The treatment covers medication for sadness by specialists. Identification: The longer and more intense treatment is required for the longer and more intense drug use. The abuse treatment program is focused on some factors. And the factors are follow-up services, appropriate licensing, staff credentials and quality of care during the program. I choose drug rehabilitation for prisoners who are addicted to abusive drugs. Most of the prisoners are addicted to the alcohol, heroin or cocaine and for this reason my choice of drug development is to develop drug rehabilitation in jail. First duty is to recognize the prisoners who are addicted to abusive drugs. The group of set of prisoner should make for the testing. Description: The effects of drug rehabilitation versus jail time gave a positive result according to the Justice Research and Statistics Association. Prisoners, who are received drug rehab, are given better result compared to the prisoners who are not received drug rehab (, 2015). In my drug developing strategy I have decide to make two groups. One is for the prisoners who will take drug rehab, and second is for the prisoners who will not take drug rehab. In many drug rehabilitation program the psychological dependency is directed. Patients are inspired to separate from the other patients who are addicted to addictive substances. The patients are inspired by twelve- step program to stop the addiction of addictive substances and also the habit to their addictions (, 2015). A twelve- step program is a set of model concept for addressing problems covering alcoholism. Many programs underline that recuperation is a lasting process. The patients with the addic tion to alcohol or addictive substances are recovered by various types of programs. The programs are addiction counseling, extended care centers, residential treatment, local support groups, out- patient treatment, orthomolecular medicine, mental health and medical care. Medication is very important to reduce the addiction to abusive drugs. Recently buprenorphine and methadone are used for the treatment of alcohol addicted patients. The risk of use of illegal drugs is reduced by proper medication. So we need to take proper medication in a proper way. Screening is a process by which unrecognized disease is identified without any symptoms. Here the prisoners are identified to recovery. After that the diagnosis process is started with expertise skill. The process of diagnosis is taken a long period of time (Promises Addiction Treatment | Alcohol Drug Rehab Malibu, 2009). Different process of diagnosis is required for different prisoners. So the main task is to identify the type of diag nosis by which we can detect the problem. The behavioral treatment contains motivational discussion, short term psychotherapy, family support, encouragement for rehabilitation (Scherer, 2012). Conventional addiction treatment is done primarily on counseling. The counselor should help the patient to identify the problems which are related to their addiction (Dervishi, 2014). A weekly or daily counseling is more effective than the single counseling. In a daily counseling patient recovery is observed prominently. It is important to work with the family members of the patient. A family involvement is needed to a patient for the quick recovery (, 2015). After the diagnosis two groups should be taken for evaluation and observations should be recorded. It is noticed that the group who are taken drug rehab are shown better result than the group who are not taken drug rehab. The process of recovery for the patients who are addicted to abusive drugs is a time consuming process (Kevin J ohnson, 2015). The patient is treated by the medicine and also they are gone through the counseling and twelve step program. The process of rehabilitation should handle softly because it is also consider as a mental illness. In case of prison inmates the first task is to identify the need of individual. Sometimes patients want to overcome from the addiction of abusive drugs. But they did not. Considering all phenomenon I want to develop drug rehabilitation into the prisoners. Justification: This process of reduction of addiction to abusive drugs is very useful. A twelve step program has a significant role in the drug rehabilitation process. Some factors are important for drug rehabilitation. In the American Psychological association it is stated that alcoholism of one cannot be controlled by one. So the drug rehabilitation process is needed to overcome it. By the help of experienced member the past errors are examined. After recognizing the errors are changed by the process involves twelve step program (, 2015). The Patients are asked for a new life with advanced code of behavior. According to the twelve step program patient should help other patient who is suffering from same disease. The twelve step program is published by the alcoholic anonymous. Alcoholic anonymous plays a crucial role in drug rehabilitation process. A membership of alcoholic anonymous is available for the patients who have desire to leave alcohol. The non professiona ls who have interest to work in drug rehabilitation, are also found in the group of alcoholic anonymous. Social workers have the knowledge to work in this field. The recovery process involves several areas and those are emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. The prisoners are neglected from the society. For this reason I want to develop a new drug program. The environment to leave alcohol is not present in the jail. Drug rehabilitation has many advantages for the prison inmates. Throughout the process of drug rehabilitation an exceptional care and support is needed. The twelve step program helps the prisoners for their recovery and they can request support from the counselors at any time. References:,. (2015).BOP: Inmate Substance Abuse Treatment. Retrieved 11 March 2015, from Dervishi, E. (2014). Risk Factor in the Rehabilitation Process of Forensic Patients.Academic Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies. doi:10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n6p17,. (2015).Drug Addiction Treatment in the Criminal Justice System. Retrieved 11 March 2015, from,. (2015).Choosing a Drug Treatment Program. Retrieved 11 March 2015, from Kevin Johnson, U. (2015).Prisoners face long wait for drug-rehab services.USA TODAY. Retrieved 11 March 2015, from,. (2015).Alcohol and Drug Rehab Instead of Jail. Retrieved 11 March 2015, from Promises Addiction Treatment | Alcohol Drug Rehab Malibu,. (2009).The Benefits of Drug Rehab. Retrieved 11 March 2015, from Scherer, L. (2012).Drug abuse. Detroit: Greenhaven Press.

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